Tooth invaders

When I was little we had a Commodore 64/128. My favorite game to play was Tooth Invaders. I loved killing the germs that made the cavities. Trust me, I realize how much of a dork I was, thanks. At any rate, I was very excited to be chosen by MommyParties to host an Oral-b Stages party. I’m posting this a little late. We had this party on 12/4 and am now just getting around to writing about it. Things have been crazy, as usual.This was the best party pack I’ve received. It was a huge box and it was full of stuff. It was great. They even sent a movie for the kids to watch and popcorn with cute movie theater type popcorn boxes to serve in. You can tell there was a lot of thought put into this pack. They had even created movie ticket looking “invitations” to fill out and cut apart.

The only complaint I had (and it’s a minor one) is that they only sent one toothbrush for older children out of the 11 total sent. The other 10 were for 4 to 24 months in age. All the toothpaste was for older kids, so it was a little weird.

We started out the party with the movie. I didn’t realize it was the new one that came out not long ago until we started watching it. I thought I was getting an older version. This was great. Turtle was instantly engrossed but if you ask him I’m pretty sure he’ll say “No I wasn’t. That movie is for babies.” LOL

The goody bags were very full once I got everything in there. The balloons and popcorn were smart things to include. I had enough leftover helium in a tank I’d bought for Colin’s birthday in April to fill the balloons. Wewt!

Here are some candid shots from the party. The face blur thing is a little creepy but since I didn’t get any photo release forms from Oral-b or MommyParties to pass out to the guests, I don’t feel right posting faces.

He’s so stinking cute it hurts.

Giraffe was a BIG fan of the toothbrush. His little nubby teeth on the bottom had just come in so it was perfect timing.

He did have a little trouble figuring out which end to use though.I did not receive any compensation from MommyParties or Oral-b to host this party or provide this blog post.

Rainy days and Wednesdays always get me down

I’m at home today. Mr. Giraffe had a fever overnight and into the morning. So I kept him home with me.

I did go in to work for a few hours this morning to get some stuff to work on from home. I’m so lucky to have a job that lets me work from home occasionally. Giraffe is finally getting a head of hair. This is what it looked like after I took his hat off.  He makes me giggle.

Happy New Year

So this was like a preview of the future.

They look like frat boys. Red solo cups and all. The oldest was suspicious of the bubbly beverage, as if I was giving him alcohol… Teetotaler.

Happy New Year everybody!!!

Sending you all blessings for 2012:

“May the road rise to meet you,
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
The rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of his hand.

May God be with you and bless you;
May you see your children’s children.
May you be poor in misfortune,
Rich in blessings,
May you know nothing but happiness
From this day forward.

May the road rise to meet you
May the wind be always at your back
May the warm rays of sun fall upon your home
And may the hand of a friend always be near.

May green be the grass you walk on,
May blue be the skies above you,
May pure be the joys that surround you,
May true be the hearts that love you.”
-Traditional Irish Blessing