Eat the World day

To counteract the clear liquid diet I’m having to start tomorrow for the colonoscopy/endoscopy I’m having done on Monday, I’ve decided that today is eat the world day. I recommend that everyone go get this done when you’re doctor recommends it. It’s a pain in the ass (literally…) but if my Mom had gotten one done when she was in the age bracket that was recommended she might still be here today. Who knows? An ounce of prevention is worth more than a pound of cure. Also, I’m looking forward to being knocked out for the procedure. I can totally use the sleep. I’m so effing tired.

Breakfast included homemade scratch biscuits. Recipe courtesy of the Joy of Baking. If you’ve never made from scratch biscuits, I recommend this recipe. It’s relatively easy and pretty much foolproof. I usually sprinkle a tiny bit of kosher salt on top after I’ve egg-washed them for a flavor bump. Yum. Captain Daddy ate at least 5 of them today. Slather them with butter and strawberry jam while they are still warm from the oven and that’s pretty close to perfection.

I considered making pizza for lunch but then realized by the time the dough would be done rising it would be dinner time. ;-P So made up hummus pita tacos. Not bad at all! Pita, hummus, some leftover taco meat from dinner last night, lettuce, diced tomato, and thinly sliced banana peppers from my CSA share. Easy and yummy. Turtle whined about the hummus but I think he was hungry so he ate it anyway.

On my CSA soapbox here again, the tomatoes from the CSA taste sooooo much better than the ones from the store and they actually smell like tomatoes. Drool. I cannot recommend enough Gorman Farm in Laurel. Even if you don’t join the CSA – check out their farm stand some time. Nice area very close to Columbia.

Marinating some skirt steak in Mexican inspired seasoning for dinner. Probably will make some knock-off Chipotle rice as the side.

Now for the pièce de résistance – Captain Daddy brought me a huge basket of Georgia peaches on his trip up. They smell amazing and I’ve been craving peach cobbler. It’s just not summer without it and a huge scoop of vanilla ice cream on top.

Hungry yet? Hopefully I’ll survive not eating anything solid from midnight tonight until sometime in the afternoon on Monday. :-p